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Monday, October 22, 2012

0 Our Picture

Proses Pembangunan SMAN 1 Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

0 Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa

Foto | Penutupan POPPROV

Andai kata tiada matahari yang diciptakan
Mungkin dunia ini akan beku dan bisu
Dan andai setitik hujan tidak pernah ada
Pelangi takkan pernah mungkin mewarnai dunia ini
Kehidupan akan berakhir tak terlaksana

Disaat titik kegalauan menghampiri
terlihat setitik cahaya yang kami cari
Dan itu kami dapatkan dari sudut-sudut bibirmu
Serta gerak-gerik tubuhmu

Engkau telah menyelamatkan kami semua
Engkau telah menyelamatkan masa sepan kami
Dengan sejuta ilmu yang kau miliki
Dengan tulus kau membimbing kami semua
Dengan sabar kau menghadapi kami
Dan dengan iklas kau mengajar kami

Walau kami kadang selalu membangkangmu
Walau kami selalu tak mendengar kata-katamu
Walau terkadang kami tak menghormatimu
Tahu kah kau jika kami seperti ini karenamu

Terima kasih atas semua jasamu
Dan terima kasih karena telah menjadi
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa di hati kami
Yang akan kami kenang selamanya

(Oleh: Basis)

0 House of Tidung and Amal Beach

Tidung tribal land was originally located in the northern part of East Kalimantan. The tribe is also a country boy in Sabah, so that there are tribes in Indonesia and Malaysia (Sabah state). One of city located in the northern part of East Kalimantan is Tarakan. Dayak Tidung are native island of Tarakan. Because it Tarakan according to folklore comes from tidung "continence" (meet) and "Ngakan" (eating) which literally means "place of the fishermen for a break to eat, meet and make exchanges with other fishermen catch.
To keep channeling tribal ancestry tidung to Tarakan city community, there is a tribal house battery tidung in custody.
Many are found in custom homes tidung. One of the only places selling souvenirs Tarakan city and move existing plants in eastern Kalimantan. If we are fed up with their daily activities and want to end the week, also in this tidung hall custom homes. there are so many fish and we can immediately deliver food directly to the mouth of the fish with our own hands.
in addition to the traditional house tidung, Tarakan city is also surrounded by the sea. therefore Tarakan city has beautiful beaches suitable charity for tourist attractions. Because some people find it by looking at the blue sea can relieve strees.

On the amal beach we can fishing on the beach and there is we can found ethnic food called Kapah, namely the food typical of Tarakan. Imagining the amal beach saw the rising sun, accompanied by the music of the sea while the typical food eat Kapah of Tarakan which is juxtaposed with a chili sauce that has a spicy taste sour. It’s very good to relieve fatigue after a day of daily routine.

0 Our Tips and Trick

Hi guys, this time we will discuss about the tips and tricks about IT. However, this time we do not post them to the Indonesian, but with the English language. Sounds cool, right? In addition to making our blog interesting and unique, the use of the English language is also to improve our skills in the English language. Okay, let us refer to our post this time, and happy reading. Cuss... Cekidot !!
Tips and Trick on IT
Various TIPS - Information Regarding Computer tricks:
1. Tips and Tricks that cannot copy and paste in:
Tips and Tricks »How to set the computer so that it cannot copy-paste (disable copy-paste)
Setting up the computer so that it cannot copy-paste (disable copy-paste)
Disable copy-paste, yes, this is a powerful way to make others not to copy the valuable material on our computers. And to commit acts of anti-copy-paste on the computer there are steps that must be followed, following his steps:
1. Go to Menu Regedit (Press Windows key + R and type regedit).
2. Go to the directory HKEY_LOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl
3. Right click on the folder and select New Control -> Key
4. Name the new folder with the name "StorageDevicePolicies"
5. Right click on the folder with the name "StorageDevicePolicies", and select New -> Dword
6. Give the name "WriteProtect"
7. Double-click the DWORD with the name "WriteProtect", and then change the Value Data to 1
8. After completion of the steps above the next Restart your computer
To restore its original settings please just change the Value Data from key "WriteProtect" to 0

2. To accelerate time to show Delay:
1. Start> Run
2. 'Regedit'> OK
3. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \'
4. Highlight 'MenuShowDelay'
5. Right click and select Modify
6. Change the value to '0 ', click' OK '

Speed ​​up Windows XP Shutdown
Tweaking it reduces waiting time automatically when windows have received instructions to shutdown.
1. Start> Run
2. 'Regedit'> OK
3. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \'
4. Highlight 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and select Modify
6. Change the value to '1000 'Click' OK '
7. Highlight 'HungAppTimeout'
8. Right click and select Modify
9. Change the value to '1000 'Click' OK '
10. 'HKEY_USERS \. DEFAULT \ Control Panel \ Desktop' highlight WaitToKillAppTimeout '
11. Right click and select Modify
12. Change the value to '1000 'Click' OK '
13. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \' highlight 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
14. Right click and select Modify
15. Change the value to '1000 'Click' Ok '

3. Installing XP via flash:
1. Extract both files as you wish by using WinZip or WinRAR (Better create a new folder), Files should be a folder with files or otherwise.
2. Plug the USB flash drive into any USB port. To remember the position of the drive. Is F:, G:, H:, and so on.
3. Insert the Windows XP installation CD into the optical drive. If the computer running the installation process automatically, cancel it and close all applications being run.
4. Next, open the folder where you extracted the installation maker application modules.
5. Run the file named "usb_prep8.bat" then the screen will appear the Command Prompt window contains a variety of commands. If it it says "Press any key to continue," press any key to confirm.
6. In the display window will appear asking you to format PE to USB USB flash disk. No need to change any settings, just click Start to begin the formatting process. Answer confirmation suit your needs.
7. When you're finished, close the window PE to USB (do not close the Command Prompt window that was open when you run usb_prep8.bat), then the screen will display the options from 0 to 5.
8. Use option 1 to select the installation source files that will be copied to the flash disk. Here, specify the drive where you stored the installation of Windows XP. Just select the optical drive where existing Windows XP CD in it, or select a folder of your choice if you have copied the Windows XP installation files to a specific folder.
9. Select option 3 to determine where you are striking flash disk. If the flash disk is in drive F:, then type F and press ENTER. If drive G: then type G and press ENTER, and so on apply to other drives.
10. Then select option 4 to start the installation process modules which will be copied to the flash drive automatically. Answer any confirmation that comes with the Y or YES or OK or other form of agreement.
Done! Now you are ready to flash disk used to install Windows XP! Please do the settings in your BIOS, and select Removeable Disk (or any other name) as the first media run at boot.

4. Open the folder that already in the protection of Folder Lock:
1. Open the folder that already in protection ama try Folder Lock and enter your password any
2. Folder Lock Forget waiting, open regedit "hkey_local _machinesoftwarefolder lock," bar code "
3. Replace the name "bar code" to "bar scarred"
4. Now return to the Folder Lock and enter your password up to any kind of
5. Then click "ok" and hopefully be able to Folder Lock in Access.

5. Registration & Task Manager:
If suddenly the Task Manager menu we cannot open, emerging information that "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" pop up as below:
Then when we want to re-enable it via the registry editor regedit turns out it cannot be opened and appeared popup saying "Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator" like popup under this:
Furthermore, when we want to see hidden files (hidden files) from the folder options menu to disable it turned out well, and we never felt disable these menus mean bad news for us, the possibility of doing it is a virus, worm, or trojan. It could be disease (virus) is still there, it could be also gone (live traces left behind virus settings). If the virus is still there, the best step is to scan it with antivirus best you have, of course, with the latest updates. If you find that the virus is not there, so stay restore some settings that are usually changed by a virus.
There are several ways that we can do to restore its original setting, the first way is to delete DisableRegistryTools manually from the command prompt. way is as follows:
• Open a command prompt, start> run> type "cmd" (without the quotes)> enter.
• At the command prompt type the following:
reg delete HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System / v DisableRegistryTools
• This will bring up the question:
Delete the registry value DisableRegistryTools (Yes / No)?
• Answer by typing: Yes
• After that, open the registry editor via run menu by typing: regedit and then click OK. Voilaa .. Can open Regedit.
With the opening of the Registry Editor has opened the path to meaningful change next setting. Next live re-enable the task manager from the registry editor. Here is how:
• Open Regedit
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System
• Ensure value (value) to REG_DWORD DisableTaskMgr is 0 (zero).
• Close Regedit.
As for the Show Hidden Files, settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \ Folder \ Hidden \ showall. Value for CheckedValue REG_DWORD is 1, this value is typically converted into 2 or 0 by the virus.
Apart from the Registry Editor or REGEDIT, we can also change the settings of our windows PC Group Policy Editor menu. Entry way is by typing gpedit.msc in the run menu. In the Group Policy Editor, there are 2 parts of the menu, the Computer Configuration and User Configuration.
To disable/enable Task Manager on the menu User Configuration> Administrative Templates> System> Ctrl Alt del Options. Select the setting "Remove Task Manager" and change it to "disable" or "not configured".
As for the disable / enable regedit in the menu User Configuration> Administrative Templates> System. Select the setting "Prevent access to registry editing tools". Select the disabled so that we can access regedit.

How? Is our post are cool? Oh, thanks guys. Thus first we can deliver. Another time, we will discuss the other article that is not less interesting. Permanent stay-tuned on our blog :) well hopefully useful and thanks for reading

0 Harapan kami untuk SMAN 1 Tarakan

Tentunya banyak hal menarik dan unggul dari sekolah kita ini, terutama tentang kualitas pendidikannya. Hal tersebutlah yang menjadi latar belakang kami untuk menuliskan sebuah artikel sederhana tentang harapan kami untuk sekolah tercinta.
SMA Negeri 1 tarakan yang merupakan salah satu sekolah unggulan dan favorit di kota kita, kota Tarakan. SMA Negeri (SMAN) 1 Tarakan, merupakan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri yang ada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu SMA RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional) di Indonesia. Yang memegang teguh kebersihan, kedisiplinan, kesantunan dan kepedulian. Siswi Siswi SMAN 1 Tarakan merupakan siswa siswi yang berprestasi di dalam sekolah maupun di luar sekolah. Terbukti untuk satu bulan ini saja ada beberapa siswa siswi SMAN 1 Tarakan yang mendapatkan piagam penghargaan bahkan mendali emas. Sebenarnya banyak kemampuan yang luar biasa dimiliki oleh siswa siswi SMAN 1 Tarakan. Namun belum semuanya tersalurkan. Seandainya semua kemampuan tersebut tersalurkan, mungkin setiap bulan selalu ada tambahan piala yang terpajang di SMAN 1 Tarakan.
Salah satu kunci dari kesuksesan SMAN 1 Tarakan adalah infrastruktur yang membangun pembelajaran. Bangunan merupakan tempat siswa siswi SMAN 1 Tarakan untuk menyalurkan kemampuannya. Bangunan SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan. Kita semua sudah pada tahu bahwasannya bangunan sekolah kita sedang dirombak habis hingga membuat kita “nebeng” belajar dengan tetangga kita yaitu SMP Negeri 2 tarakan. Waaah, baik banget yah tetangga kita itu. Kita harusnya mengucapkan terima kasih yang luar biasa pada sekolah itu. Karena tanpa dengan izin mereka, kita nggak tau deh selama ini mau belajar dimana. Walaupun masuk siang dan pulang malam, tetap semangat ya teman-teman semua. Yap, mungkin harapan pertama kita adalah agar bangunan sekolah kita yang tercinta itu cepat selesai sehingga kita nggak “nebeng” lagi dengan tetangga kita yang baik hati itu dan juga kita bisa masuk pagi deh. Udah lama ya guys nggak ngerasain sekolah pagi. Pasti rasanya asik banget deh. Selain fresh, otak kita juga lebih mudah menerima pelajaran. Apalagi pelajaran yang sulit dimengerti. Selain itu, kita juga berharap semoga fasilitas dan tersedia disana nanti lebih lengkap dari bangunan sebelumnya. Eits, nggak hanya fasilitas, kami juga berharap mutu pendidikan kita kelak disana bisa lebih maju dari sebelumnya hingga kita bisa membawa nama harum sekolah kita hingga ke kancah internasional sebagai salah satu sekolah terbaik. Amin. Selain itu, kami juga berharap kualitas siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan bisa terus meningkat setiap harinya. Sehingga tak hanya bangunannya saja yang megah, tetapi juga diisi oleh siswa-siswi yang berkualitas. Kami rasa itu dulu yang dapat kami sampaikan. Di kesempatan yang lain kami akan juga menuliskan harapan kami untuk sekolah tercinta, SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan. Sekian, terima kasih J

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